Camping Safety in Colorado

Camping can be a lot of fun, especially in a beautiful location like Colorado. Hike the trails and visit old goldmining towns as you discover the wonder of nature and history. However, this fun hobby can be dangerous if you aren’t prepared. Here are some tips to help you stay safe and have tons of fun the next time you go camping in Colorado.

Use Equipment Outdoors

Keep all gas stoves and heaters outside when in use. Don’t light up a grill too close to the tent, and only use battery-operated lanterns inside the tent. By following this safety tip, it helps prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, which can lead to death. It’s also safer to avoid fires and other hazards.

Don’t Mess with Wild Animals

It’s a myth that you won’t see any wild animals during the day at your campsite. Animals in Colorado parks are used to humans, and they won’t be afraid to come into your area looking for food. Even those that seem harmless and friendly can be dangerous. They may carry diseases or scratch or bit you if you get too close.

Keep Bug Spray on Hand

A bug bite can be more than just a nuisance. It can lead to diseases that will take months to cure. Always keep a can of bug spray with you, and spray whenever you need it. Don’t just wait until evening. Some bugs come out in the daytime, especially in forests or where it’s cooler and damp.

Prepare for the Temperature

Depending on when and where you go camping in Colorado, it can be extremely hot or cold. In fact, it may be both with overpowering heat during the day and chilly temperatures at night. You should be prepared for weather changes by bringing extra clothing. Drink plenty of water to prevent heat issues and wear lightweight and loose clothing to help you stay cool. If you plan to go hiking, rest where there’s shade. For cool weather, pack a blanket to help you stay warm.

Watch Out for Water Dangers

Many campers pick out a place to stay near water. While it can provide a cool place to set up camp and plenty of fun activities, water can also be dangerous. Make sure you’re familiar with the water, know about things like the current and where it’s safe to swim and cross. Never let anyone go swimming alone, and know what creatures are in the water. Always wear a life jacket if you plan to go canoeing or kayaking.

Never Camp Alone

Even if your goal is to get away from crowds and spend some quiet time with nature, it’s always a good idea to find someone to go with you. If you should get injured or sick, another person would be able to get help. If you do decide to go camping alone, make sure you let someone know where you’re staying. If possible, check in once a day to let family or friends know you’re okay.

Follow these camping safety tips and you’ll enjoy a peaceful time away at your favorite place in Colorado. Whenever you’re ready to mingle or search out some new friends, you can find a lot of fun activities in nearby towns like Black Hawk.



The full view of beautiful Camping Safety river bridge in Colorado a camping tent situated at high hills in Black Hawk, CO